Rolled smoke- and gas-proof curtains (gates) EIS 60
They serve to divide the room into fire-fighting compartments, act as a fire-fighting partition of 1, 2 or 3 types and prevent the spread of smoke, gas and fire for 60 minutes.

The difference between EIS 60 and fire curtains EI 60
Curtains EI 60 are mandatory for the European market, in the Russian Federation EI 60 is most often used.
E - loss of structural integrity;
I - loss of thermal insulation ability;
S – loss of smoke and gas tightness (ability to resist cold smoke).
The design of EIS curtains practically does not differ from multilayer fire curtains EI 60. Gas tightness is achieved with the help of additional seals made of carbon material, which expand when heated and tightly cover the opening.
The metal frame of the structure consists of guides along which the curtain is lowered. The fixation of the fabric in the guides takes place with the help of metal pukes. The curtain is lowered automatically, the control unit has a dry normally closed contact for control from the fire alarm system.
Maximum dimensions of fire-resistant curtains
Width, max., mm: | 12 000 | |
Height, max., mm: | 12 000 | |
Box (depth × height): at a height of less than | 4 m 200 × 220 mm | at a height of more than 4 m 300 × 330 mm |
We will be able to produce products according to individual sizes, check with the manager.